Your final interview is the last step in our investment process. This document aims to be transparent about the process so companies can be as prepared as possible.

Why We Do Final Interviews

Final interviews allow the Iterative team time to do deeper research into your space and company so we can ask more critical questions than we did over our initial calls. By the time we get together in a final interview, one or more of our investment team members would have spent a good amount of time thinking through the opportunity, risks, and challenges of your company.

Our goal from these interviews is to be able to align with you on vision and strategy for your company. In particular, we like to invest into companies where it's clear that we and the founders are aligned on what success looks like in 3 to 4 months. We work closely with companies during our batch, and this alignment is critical for Iterative to add significant value during the program.

Before Your Interview

We do not require decks or specific documents for the meeting. The General Partner interviewing you would have reviewed your materials beforehand (application form, deck, previous call notes and feedback) to get the context of your business. We would much prefer you spend time thinking through the key questions pertaining to your business than making additional decks or documents.

Specifically, we recommend you spend your time thinking about 1) the key win conditions of your business (what are the 2-3 things you need to get right to become a massive company?) 2) key growth blockers (what have been the biggest challenges to growing so far?) and 3) what you want to achieve by the end of the program. Typically the goal at the end of the program is to raise your next round of funding. If that's the case, what do you think you will need to have accomplished (traction, proof of concept, etc.) to raise funding comfortably? With that in mind, what is your plan (with our help) to get there? How would you like us to help?

We obviously will have opinions on this, but we find the conversations are much more productive if both sides have thought about it ahead of time.

During Your Interview

Final interviews will be on Zoom. The Zoom link will be in the calendar event.


  1. Overview (5 minutes) – Basic overview on what your company does and the problem you aim to solve. Be prepared to do this succinctly and concisely.
  2. Question and Answer (20 minutes) – The General Partner will have spent time thinking about the critical questions about your business, and we want to hear your responses. We like to see founders answer our questions directly, with clear evidence backing up their responses. If you understand your business well, this shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Ask Iterative Questions (5 minutes) – This time is yours. What would you like to know about Iterative or the program? Do you want feedback on the product or idea?

Who Should Attend

All founders.

After Your Interview

After we've conducted all the final interviews, we will spend the next few days deliberating and have a discussion about your company in our internal weekly Investment Committee meeting. You will receive an email from us within a week of the last final interview on whether we would like to invest.

Moving Forward

If we decide to move forward with your company, we'll start the investment process (terms, paperwork, etc.).